3 Types of Offering Envelopes Your Church Needs
Offering envelopes can be an extremely effective tool for your church giving system. While it’s no secret churches rely heavily on the financial generosity of their church donors to support the ministry, it’s important your church uses giving envelopes in a variety of ways to prompt donations. Here are three kinds of church offering envelopes your church should consider.
Bulk Offering Envelopes
Bulk offering envelopes, also known as “pew envelopes” or “loose envelopes”, allow for no-hassle giving and are ordered in large quantities. Typically placed in the pew or at the church entrance, bulk envelopes serve as a reminder for churchgoers to give back. More importantly, these single donation envelopes offer convenience to not just your regular churchgoers who may have forgotten their weekly offering envelopes, but for visitors who may want to spontaneously donate to your church.
Your church may also want to take advantage of utilizing bulk offering envelopes in other ways aside from just placing in pews, such as:
- Placing in bulletins
- For events/fundraisers
- Newsletter mailings
As a ministry, it’s important to keep the act of giving top of mind for your members and visitors. Bulk offering envelopes are a simple way to stay in front of your community and remind churchgoers the importance of tithing.
Youth Offering Envelopes
Churches should consider the ways they are reinforcing the concept of giving for children. It’s important for church leaders to consider how teaching the act of giving from early childhood can provide benefits to the community, mission, and financial health. Implementing a youth offering envelope program is a great first step towards securing a future healthy ministry and allowing the youth to participate in the special gifts.
To prompt more engagement from the youth of a church, leaders should consider customizing donation envelopes specifically for children and teach the benefits of tithing through weekly readings or Sunday school classes.
Custom Offering Envelopes
Every church should consider custom offering envelope books designed and branded specifically to your church or members. Customizations can include the size of your envelopes as well as the number of specific holiday envelopes you’d like included within your boxed set. You may also want to consider creative design touches that can encourage donations or participation, such as:
- Suggested donation amounts weekly, bi-weekly, etc.
- Visitor cards for new guests
- A line for churchgoers to write a prayer request
While offering envelopes may be a traditional use within the church giving system, simple customizations can make the act of giving more enjoyable for churchgoers and effective for contributions.
Your church should rely on a variety of offering envelopes to encourage the act of giving. To learn more about One Write offering envelopes and other contribution products for supporting your church finances, contact One Write or request a quote today.