No. 1
The Book that Banishes “I forgot!”
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A vast improvement over traditional boxed sets, One Write Envelope Books are more convenient, less expensive, and beloved by churches and non-profit organizations the world over.
Perfect for Procrastinators and the Incredibly Busy, One Write Envelope Books can easily be stored in a glove compartment, bible case, or handbag, so they’re always immediately at hand.
Organizers, Accountants and Planners love the running-total stub that allows them to record the date, their balance and their offering amount, and have an accurate annual giving record in one convenient place.
For Traditionalists who still prefer placing an envelope in the tray, One Write’s perfect-bound format gives them a better way to be a classic.
Never again will envelopes fall out of the box and into disarray. Perfect-bound in date order, One Write envelopes make tidy people even tidier, and help the not-so-tidy keep it together.