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Why Your Church Should Consider Youth Offering Envelopes

Children are very important members to the church family and play a significant role in determining the direction of future ministries. Church communities that emphasize youth participation and a culture of giving can see long-term benefits to fulfilling the church mission, as well as financial prosperity. Here are a few reasons your church should consider youth offering envelopes to help support your giving system.


Benefits of Implementing a Youth Offering Envelope Program

From the beginning, many children are taught the importance of stewardship in their Sunday school classes or through the weekly sermons. Encouraging our youth to participate in all aspects of the church service and mission are key elements to achieving a healthy foundation. However, giving is at the core of a church foundation.

By incorporating a youth offering envelope program into your donation system, you can help children develop habits of stewardship and feel like they are a part of the community’s contributions on a weekly or monthly basis. Many children may even use just a dollar from their weekly or monthly allowance to contribute back to their church. Children can watch the community impact unfold and learn from an early age the importance of supporting their church for many years to come.

Teaching children to give back on a regular basis to their church community can also encourage behaviors outside of the envelope program, such as supporting church fundraisers, volunteering, or sharing the act of giving through mission trips. Generous habits developed at an early age are likely to translate to a willingness of giving back throughout teen and adult stages of life. The more a church builds their youth, the more they secure a solid ground for the future.


One Write Youth Offering Envelope Books

One Write Company helps reinforce the concept of giving for children and inclusiveness into the church community through youth offering envelopes. Children’s envelope book covers and envelopes are designed specifically for youth, and can align with the traditional envelope boxed sets by including information such as church name, address, and date of offering on each envelope.

To learn more about One Write’s church offering envelopes and envelope books for adult and youth, contact One Write or request a quote today.