3 Tips for How to Design Your Church Offering Envelopes
Traditional, church offering envelopes are not going out of style anytime soon. An attractive, clean design keeps members organized and makes giving more enjoyable — thus improving the chance of consistent tithing.
Here are three tips to guide you in the design process:
1. Decide Which Features to Include On Your Offering Envelopes
When designing offering envelopes for your church, first understand the main purpose of your envelopes. Of course the envelopes will be used to collect offerings, but there are ways to differentiate your envelopes so that they serve more than one purpose.
Some creative touches you can add to your envelopes include:
- Suggested donation amounts
- A visitor card that new guests can turn in to become connected
- Special offering envelopes for holidays such as Christmas and Easter
- Church contact information
- An extra line for a prayer request
- Inspirational Scripture verses
- Church logo or other specific branding
2. Know the Basics of Design
Don’t fear if you aren’t a graphic designer! There are a couple of simple principles you can apply to your envelopes.
First: simple, easy-to-read fonts are best. The action you want congregants to make should be very clear, and part of that clarity is making the font easy to read.
Second: leave enough white space so that the text and images are not crowded.
Anyone can understand those basic design principles, but when it comes to color schemes, images, and layouts, the task can be daunting if you don’t have a design background. Fortunately, One Write offers pre-made designs that set the foundation upon which you can customize your envelopes. We even have youth offering envelopes especially designed for children!
3. Don’t Forget About Envelope Books
Envelope books keep giving envelopes organized in one place. One Write provides a wide selection of beautiful designs so that you can choose the custom envelope book that best suits your congregation. Start by choosing from one of three styles, then go from there to mix and match the best envelope design with envelope books. Your church will enjoy the updated design and additional features, such as space for prayer requests.
One Write Company makes tithing convenient and customizable for your church members or donors. To learn more about One Write’s church offering envelopes and envelope books contact One Write or request a quote today.